ben carson cancels order for $31k dining set for hud office

A spokesman for the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development said that Minister Ben Carson\'s request to cancel an order for expensive tableware sparked anger earlier this week as it cost about $31,000
Raffi Williams said on Thursday that at Carson\'s request, \"The agency is working to cancel the order for the restaurant package.
Housing and Urban Development officials said the purchase was made without Carson\'s knowledge.
The restaurant, which the agency says is considered a \"construction fee\", only bought blinds for his office for less than $5,000.
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Viacom\'s merger of Jeffrey Epstein\'s death Highway gunfight blood pressure and dementia report came after a complaint from a former chief executive officer of HUD, accusing her of refusing to fund the expensive renovation of Carson\'s office after being demoted.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, speaking at a briefing on Thursday about expensive furniture purchases, said HUD is now looking for another option to \"be more responsible for taxpayers\' money.
\"Sanders rejected the statement that the president wanted to remove Carson and other cabinet members because various Cabinet secretaries disclosed controversial spending ---
Including secretary David Schulkin and Scott Pruitt.
\"If you ask him if he\'s going to fire anyone in the cabinet, I don\'t know that this is happening,\" Sanders said . \".
Schurkin and Pruitt, while on official business for the government, were surprised by their expensive travel accommodations.
Since then, schurkin has said he will pay back the Treasury after an internal regulator disclosed his improper travel expenses for a trip to Europe last year.
Meanwhile, Prut recently told CBS News\'s \"take-out\" podcast that there will be a change when it comes to his safety concerns, which he claims is the reason for his controversial expensive trip.
Sanders added, \"We have reviewed a lot of these actions and made sure they are responsible for the taxpayers\' money.
That\'s what the president asked all his teams to go back and see.
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