A detail of the basic features to be considered when purchasing the leather furniture grade, find out the grade of the leather, because it is the most important symbol of its quality, it also shows the durability and pay you will see. Top-
Grain Leather comes from the outer surface of the animal skin, while the grade obtained from the lower surface is weak.
Grading according to the way leather is prepared.
The three common finishes of leather furniture are benzene, half
There is also leather with pigment.
There are obvious wrinkles and scars on the mesh, giving people a simple beauty.
Think of a well
Worn-out pilot jacket or old wallet, and the gloss formed over time. Aniline —
It\'s also called \"pure\" amine-
The leather is soaked with an amine dye and there is no other finish or pigment. Semi-aniline —
Or \"protect\"
There is a little coating or paint on the leather, so you can prevent stains and fading.
The colored leather is called the colored leather because its surface is fully colored.
It\'s small-
Grade leather is harder than mesh paper and can also prevent scratches, stains and fading from sunlight exposure.
If you have the texture of moolah, then go and buy the softest, softest leather and enjoy the feeling of luxury;
It certainly comes from the highest quality leather.
The hand feel of the colored leather is harder, and the \"correction granules\" leather is harder, which is polished to eliminate surface defects. Pull-
Up leather is the kind that is treated with oil or wax, so when it is stretched, the oil or wax will separate and you will see a lighter color that looks distressed.