cast aluminum furniture

In the past days, the outdoor hotel furniture factory was cast with an iron.
Nowadays, aluminum alloy furniture is more used.
Cast aluminum carries all the elegance and charm of cast furniture, but avoids the disease of rust and peeling paint.
The process of making this gorgeous hotel furniture factory starts with a model of wood carving.
Then make a metal model with this wooden model.
Form a mold by pressing a wooden replica into a cast sand and then pouring molten lava into the formed impression.
When the molten metal cools, it forms a casting for the fine and gorgeous cast aluminum hotel furniture factory that we often see.
Aluminum furniture for traditional European scenes.
The bistro collection of small tables and two chairs evokes the scene of outdoor French scenes.
These elegant surroundings are the perfect decoration for a balcony, garden or any small corner.
All kinds of furniture have cast aluminum furniture.
Armchairs, sofas, side tables, love seats and recliners are all complex designs with aluminum casting furniture.
These backgrounds carry a picturesque arrangement of the charm of the old world.
Aluminum Alloy furniture is known for its durability.
Is the first choice for outdoor use.
This rich piece of furniture can be placed outdoors during the cold winter months.
The low maintenance features of these metal beauties have their unique charm.
Are you looking for an outdoor set that can take you to another era?
You can turn the balcony into a vine.
Covered escape surrounded by flowers, transport you to the old days of Europe with gorgeous bistros.
For larger seating arrangements, the flagstone backyard terrace can also be turned into an old world setting that provides space for the entire family to gather together during the \"old fashioned\" family time.
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