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Many people flinch when they see their ugly laminated furniture and have no hope of making it beautiful again.
They hardly knew that with the technology of painting today, they could take the ugly fake wood and paint it.
Although it takes a little time and preparation, the appearance of the painted laminated furniture can be very attractive.
However, you have to take the time to do the right thing and follow the right steps to make this dream a reality.
When you are painting laminated furniture, it is important to choose a good day to paint.
There is almost no wind in the day, and the temperature between dry air and 65 to 85 degrees is ideal.
If you choose a day with too much wind, you will inevitably find some grass and dirt at your end.
It\'s too wet and the paint doesn\'t stick to the laminate properly and it\'s easy for the paint to fall off.
The paint is too cold to dry.
So if you want your paint job to look good and continue, please be patient and wait for the right weather to come.
When the perfect day comes, you need to remove any hardware you don\'t want and clean your laminated furniture with a teaspoon and rag.
This will take away any dirt that may build up on your furniture and help paint to attach better.
Once cleaned, wipe the furniture with a wet rag and let it dry.
After drying, it\'s time to do a little polishing.
Take some fine sandpaper, 180-
The sand is perfect and will make the surface of your laminate rough.
Because laminate is a non-
The surface is porous and the paint is hard to catch.
That\'s why it\'s so easy for most paint laminated furniture chips.
By polishing the laminate you can make it easier for the paint to catch, which will help the primer and paint to bond properly.
Use a spray primer designed for laminating materials and apply several layers of primer.
This primer will act as glue to make the paint stick to the laminate.
Before applying the next one, make sure that each coat you apply is dry, otherwise it will not glue properly and the drops will form.
Once the furniture is fully primed, you can pull out the paint.
There are many paints on the paint market, designed to be combined with non-paintingPorous surface.
Plastic Krylon Fusion is a paint that is perfect for this project as it is intended to stick to a smooth surface such as a laminate.
Just shake the jar and apply the paint the same way as the primer.
To prevent ugly dripping water, remember to keep the color of the coat.
Once your laminated furniture is painted, keep it the same for at least 24 hours and let the paint finish bonding with the furniture.
Then move it back and enjoy it as usual.
Now that you know how good the laminate furniture looks, why just stop by one piece and try to paint all your non-matching furniture in the same color to create a matching suit, except for the painting, nothing.
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