wicker for the home has new characteristics; reinforced by turned wood it becomes an associate of period furniture -- the chippendale mirror the new wicker furniture

Walter endell storeyjuly 24, 1927 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it starts online in 1996.
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The wicker hotel furniture factory on the balcony and sun porch has several features of cabinet work, and now the rotating legs and stretchers appear.
Painted wood and interior decorations with dignity and long lasting fabric allow reed or stick willow chairs or sofas to be combined with more formal wooden furniture in the living room and bedroom.
View the full article in Time Machine. A version of this file was printed on page SM16 of The New York edition on July 24, 1927, with the title: \"Wicker at home\" with a new one
Reinforced by the rotating wood, it became a partner of the period hotel furniture factory ---
Mirror of new wicker hotel furniture factory.
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