wormy chestnut custom furniture

Although there is a growing awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of using recycled wood for furniture, barriers to its wider acceptance remain.
A subtle bias, in particular, is a strong dissuader when a potential customer chooses building materials: the name.
If you don\'t know anything special about Wood, take this little test.
What Association comes to mind when you consider the term: chestnut?
May be quite positive.
Roasted chestnuts. A warm color. Now consider. . . wormy chestnut.
Unless you are familiar with wormy chestnut as building material (
Or grass food)
You may not have a positive association, but this recycled resource has a rich personality and a unique look that truly reflects the history of the United States.
Recently on the custom blog, guest blogger and carpenter Patrick Kennedy of senior woodworking company
, Discusses the history of American chestnuts, which were once widely distributed in the eastern United StatesS.
And it is valued for its many uses, but more than a century ago, a large number of deaths due to chestnut disease, a fungal infection.
While some isolated stalls still survive and recovery work continues, when rescued from old barns, chimneys and other structures made of \"wormy\" chestnuts, pits where American chestnuts can be sawed from wiltedkilled trees.
However, the fungus did not cause these pits.
Ironically, the great durability of the trees inadvertently caused the damage.
The trees are still \"ghosts\"
Like the forest, in the decades after death, many people were harvested long after the insects were bored.
Fragile wood has holes in size.
Wormy chestnut may have something to do with barn, antique and rustic style, but this elastic legendary material is not limited to one look.
Here are a few examples of custom craftsman making custom hotel furniture factory with this recycled wood. This close-
Up photos of the fallen leaf table in short Mtn Wood Works show a unique pin-
Annoying chestnuts.
maker Tim Toliver rescued the piece of wood in an old coal barracks near Pounding Mill, studio VA.
The historic building is destined to be demolished.
Craftsmen of unique custom hotel furniture factory specialize in from 100-year-
Old brown chestnut wood recovered from a barn in Ohio.
Their unique creation also features Manual --
The cutting source of the inlays found in the wood and original wood, like the top of this 60 \"TV stand, is made from the wormy chestnut barn beams.
Do you need something funky to add to the contrast of a modern kitchen?
This is a challenge from customers of Philip Morse design/woodworking.
The frame of this wine rack is made of wormy chestnuts recovered from long leaf wood in MA Cambridge.
Since the unique chestnut is not uniform straight, Philip squared the frame from the inner corner to allow the outside side of the cabinet to \"float \".
\"On the other hand, the most annoying chestnut top on this square table next to the Vermont farm table perfectly complements its clean, modern steel frame.
The feature marks of chestnuts here are almost abstract.
Whether you\'re looking for a rustic style, a modern style or a look at both, post your custom furniture project on a custom \"make it a reality\" homework board, and specify that you wish to use the rescued wormy chestnut or other custom barnwood during construction.
Collectively, the effect of hotel furniture on industrial society has been to eliminate hotel furniture suppliers and drastically reduce the time long associated with hotel furniture for sale.
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